Home Based Childminding Programme

Goals & Objectives

It takes a village to raise a child

Economically challenged parents could face limited employment options due to irregular working hours and may require alternate caregiving arrangements beyond traditional child care institutions who work the standard office hours.

The Home Based Childminding Programme aims to support these parents in achieving stability, self-reliance, and ultimately social mobility by providing after-hours childminding services to allow them to seek employment opportunities or to go for skills training. 

The Home Based Childminding Programme has expanded its services from Punggol and Bedok to all of Singapore as of 23 Jan 2023.

Need a Childminder?

Want to be a Childminder?


Yes! To ensure the safety of both the childminder and the users, there are a few criteria that have to be fulfilled in order to be accepted as a childminder.

Criteria to be a Childminder

  • Female
  • Aged 25 and above
  • Preferably has experience taking care of young children

Yes! A one-day childminder training will be provided by DOT. The cost of the training will be covered by DOT.

The location of childminding can be arranged to be at either the childminder’s house or the user’s house.

All childminders and place of childminding will be screened strictly to ensure safety of the children.

Childminding assignments usually consist of picking up the kids from childcare or student care centers before 7pm and to care for them until the mother ends work and the child is picked up.

Some mothers might also require weekend childminding depending on their work schedule.

Overnight care is not allowed under this programme.

Daughters Of Tomorrow will conduct a matching process to link up families living close to one another to minimise the travelling time. Families who require this service can be living anywhere in Singapore. During the matching process, childminders can decide if the location deployed is suitable for them.

Of course! If you have any queries about the Home Based Childminding Programme, please contact Priscilla at HomeChildminding2@DaughtersOfTomorrow.org for more information!