Masherdawaty Binte Omar

The Changemaker

Masherdawaty is a person who does not give up even in the face of adversity.

Masherdawaty moved to Singapore from Malaysia during the pandemic in 2020. She had no job, and no place to stay but she was determined to make it work.

Within a year, the single mum to three managed to find accommodation with relatives, get a job, apply for her youngest daughter’s childcare subsidy so she could go out to work and study. She is now independent and managing her finances and living on her own terms.

DOT met Masherdawaty at DOT’s job readiness programme where she shared the belief in upskilling oneself. She recognised that to succeed in the workplace she would need to do further studies so she enrolled in a 6-months WSQ online IT course to upgrade her skills.

What has come through time and again is Masherdawaty’s confidence to deal with situations, not to let things get her down and always look ahead. This positive and tenacious nature of her is visible in the way she handles things at work and in her daily life. She has by example shown to her grown up boys the necessity to stick with something even if it takes time. Her compassionate nature comes through as she talks about her little girl in childcare and her close bond with her cousin shows an affinity for family ties.

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