Mervis Yeo
The Giver
Mervis’s generosity towards others, even while she’s grappling with her own challenges, is why she’s been nominated under the Givers category. Having previously lived in a women’s shelter after leaving an abusive marriage, Mervis channelled her efforts into the community of women there, befriending and helping them out.
Her community spirit was also evident when she joined DOT’s Power Up Online programme. Early on in the class, Mervis’s leadership potential and ability to connect with others was apparent. She looked out for others in the class and rose up to challenges: when she was given the opportunity to speak to the class during graduation, Mervis conscientiously prepared a PowerPoint presentation, sharing with others how much the course has impacted her. Naturally, she took on the mantle of a volunteer facilitator in the next iteration of PUO, a role where she can give back to future generations of DOT women.
However, being a low-wage worker, Mervis had to work very hard, sometimes rushing home from work to make it for the evening class. Recently, she had to take on a second job to support her family as her father needed medical treatment.
Despite challenges thrown her way, Mervis makes sure to keep her head up. Giving back and building safe spaces for the people around her is still incredibly important to her and is something she will continue to do, regardless of the circumstances in her life.