Thong Lee Chin
The Shero
Lee Chin’s determination to build a better life for her and her teenage daughter is tremendous.
Despite her repeated bouts of illnesses as a result of a history of family violence, she has pushed forward with making sure she is employed.
Even with COVID-19 dealing a blow to her job, she refused to take it lying down, and decided to enrol into Skillsfuture courses to improve her prospects.
While ill health still plagues her, she is determined to find a way to complete her courses so that she has the advantage. Her love and patience with her daughter has meant that they are now together again, and is concentrating on her studies so that she too might be able to move forward in her life journey.
Lee Chin is generous and caring to all around her, and that has given her the calmness and grace to move through her life, taking control of what she wants, inspiring her daughter and living her life well